, , , Asobi Seksu Hush They soon changed their name to Asobi Seksu however playful sex roughly translated! Their debut album Asobi Seksu appeared in May 2004 and was later rereleased in 2007 after they had signed to One Little Indian, along with second album Citrus. Asobi Seksu was a dream pop band which formed in 2004 in New York City, New York, United States. The band consists of Yuki Chikudate (vocals, keyboards), James Hanna (guitar, vocals), Billy Pavone (bass) and Larry Gorman (drums). Listen to your favorite songs from Hush by Asobi Seksu Now. Stream adfree with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Artist: Asobi Seksu Title Of Album: Hush Year Of Release: 2009 Label: Reservoir Records Genre: Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Indie Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 320 kbps Total Time: 00: 51: 11 Total Size: 13 Sometime during the touring cycle that followed the release of their 2006 record Citrus, Asobi Seksu's guitar player and the architect of their impressively layered neoshoegaze sound, James Hanna, told his partner in the band, singer Yuki Chikudate, that he was sick. Drawing back the viscid curtain that surrounded 2006's Citrus, Asobi Seksu's Hush releases the band from its gooey shoegaze cocoon, a transformation that frees up their sound but also leaves it Music Critic review of Hush, the Feb 17, 2009 album release by Asobi Seksu. Even though Asobi Seksu is a highly unlikely Japanese name (it means casual sex, after all) early reviews of this New York bands work seemed to exclusively begin with a biographical paragraph emphasising the fact that this is not a Japanese solo artist. Posteriormente, cambiaron su nombre por Asobi Seksu, que viene del japons Hush. Este recibi, en general, crticas positivas, con especial mencin a su cambio del shoegaze por un sonido ms cercano al dream pop. While Hush took its name as some sort of mission statement, Fluorescence attempts to conjure a specific slice of the 90s where the cushy textures of postMBV shoegaze were cut across with a. Listen to albums and songs from Asobi Seksu. Join Napster and access fulllength songs on your phone, computer or home audio device. Hush Asobi Seksu Play Spaceland Presents Asobi Seksu At The Echo Asobi Seksu Play Citrus Asobi Seksu Play Citrus Asobi Seksu Play Asobi Seksu Asobi Seksu has the basic tools of a shoegazeinclined band: female vocals begging to be called ethereal, highpitched keyboard sounds, infinite guitar layers. But unlike the stellar single Thursday, from 2006s Citrus, Hush has no songs that build to any kind of cumulative impact. Its admirable if the band wants to avoid pounding out generic banging anthems, but in a quest to. Hush Asobi Seksu to stream in hifi, or to download in True CD Quality on Qobuz. com Con la japonesa Yuki Chukidate al frente, los Asobi Seksu de Nueva York son uno de los grupos revelacin de los ltimos aos en su mezcla entre psicodelia dream pop, shoegazer, jangle pop, los girl group de los aos 60 y noise pop. Listen free to Asobi Seksu Hush (Layers, Familiar Light and more). Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Last. I'm glad that Asobi Seksu is continuing to grow, and Hush is a good album that suffers a little from those growing pains, but hardly in a fashion that makes it a bad record. It's no Citrus, but it's worth hearing, enjoying, and owning. Asobi Seksu Hush Daniel Ross, March 4th, 2009 05: 00 With their last LP, Citrus, Asobi Seksu threatened the mainstream as pioneers of the shoegaze revival of recent years. In laymans terms, critics heard reverberating guitars liberally augmented with feedback, and octavespaced boygirl vocals and then jumped to the nearest conclusion. In support of the current Brooklyn invasion, Asobi Seksu return to the fold with this, their third album, and the follow up to 2007s acclaimed Citrus. Led by female vocalist Yuki Chikudate, the band have found things hard since that release, with guitarist and sometime vocalist James Hanna. This is the third single from the album Hush, released in August 2009. Purchase CD LP MP3 here: Streamdownload: Directed and Edited by Major. Asobi Seksu nous avait laiss il y a dj trois ans au beau milieu dun bain de larsens, avec nos oreilles sifflantes, mais heureuses pour un bon bout de temps. Mais l on commenait trouver le temps long. Alors que sestil pass pendant tout ce temps? Des problmes de groupe, tout simplement. James Hanna et Yuki Chikudate, les ttes pensantes d'Asobi Seksu, se sont une. Features Song Lyrics for Asobi Seksu's Hush album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. While the sonic revamp on Hush was successful, Rewolf ends up being a failure in two ways. The first is that the songs aren't strong enough to withstand the acoustic treatment. So much of what makes Asobi Seksu a good band is the balance they strike between noise and melody, or the contrast of sonic arrangement and melodic simplicity, so that when you take away elements of the equation, the. Released in February 2009 on Polyvinyl (catalog no. Genres: Dream Pop, Indie Pop, Twee Pop. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Hush by Asobi Seksu, released 17 February 2009 1. Blind Little Rain Asobi Seksu Albums. All albums made by Asobi Seksu with reviews and song lyrics. Asobi Seksu is a shoegazedream pop band based in Brooklyn, NY. The band primarily consists of Yuki Chikudate (vocals, keyboards) and James Hanna (guitar, vocals). In 2013 they announced going on hiatus for an indefinite time. Now a duo of Yuki Chikudate and James Hanna, Asobi Seksu return with a third album that takes the dreamy shoegaze palette of 2006's Citrus into a quieter and and more reserved place. Transparence from the album Hush by Asobi Seksu Buy Now Wishlist Wishlist Hear More. Me Mary from the album Hush by Asobi Seksu Buy Now Wishlist Wishlist Hear More. Asobi Seksu Brooklyn, New York. com; Facebook; Twitter; MySpace; YouTube; discography. Asobi Seksus melodies, time signatures and stylistic evolution tend to move slowlyeven as things around them zip by. Since 2006 sophomore release Citrus, the band has again dropped its. Asobi Seksu was an American shoegazedream pop band based in New York City. Their music used a textured and effectsheavy vocal and guitar sound. The band primarily consisted of Yuki Chikudate (vocals, keyboards) and James Hanna (guitar, vocals). Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Hush Asobi Seksu on AllMusic 2009 Sometime during the touring cycle that followed Asobi Seksu Hush review: Fans of the shoegazer elements heard on Citrus may be disappointed with Asobi Seksu's new direction, but Hush is a worthwhile album all the same. Find a Asobi Seksu Hush first pressing or reissue. Complete your Asobi Seksu collection. from the album [Hush Our new desktop experience was built to be your music destination. Listen to official albums more. Before recording their second album, Asobi Seksu underwent a major personnel shift, with the core duo of Chikudate and Hanna replacing Waldman and Hopkins with new bassist Haji and drummer Mitch Spivak. Hush was released by new label Polyvinyl in February of 2009, and Chikudate and Hanna continued in this cleaner direction for 2011s. Hush is the third studio album by New Yorkbased shoegaze band Asobi Seksu. It was released on February 17, 2009 on their new label, Polyvinyl Record Co. It included four singles: Me Mary, which preceded the album's release in November 2008; Familiar Light, released in February 2009; Transparence, released in August 2009; and Layers. Find great deals on eBay for asobi seksu. Listen to Hushby Asobi Seksu on Slacker Radio, where you can also create personalized internet radio stations based on your favorite albums, artists and songs. Asobi Seksu discography and songs: Music profile for Asobi Seksu, formed 2001. Genres: Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Indie Pop. Albums include Citrus, Asobi Seksu, and Hush. Check out Hush by Asobi Seksu on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. (Asobi Seksu) 2001 You look like someone who appreciates good music. Listen to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the Premium trial. Play on Spotify Hush is the third studio album by shoegaze band Asobi Seksu, held together by founding members Yuki Chikudate and James Hanna. Recorded in New York in the summer of 2008, this album ushered in a. But we have Asobi Seksu, a band that has been widely admired for investigating the middle ground, where melodies inform but don't overwhelm those certain My Bloody Valentine tendencies..